NYC ProgramsProgram Title: NYC: No Hablo Español! – A Pharmacist Guide to Medical Spanish
Program Title: NYC: Pharmacist Reproductive Health Services
Program Title: NYC: Tox to Me: Conquering Toxicology Recognition and Treatment
Program Title: NYC: PharmAdvocacy Night
Program Title: NYC: Empowering Pharmacy Practice: Navigating Remote Precepting in Telehealth
Program Title: NYC: Challenges: Implementation of Revised USP <797> & Advancing your career: Transitioning into advanced pharmacy technician roles
Program Title: NYC: Clinical Pearl Jam Session 2024
Program Title: NYC: Don’t Stress the Small Stuff
Program Title: NYC: Reproductive Rights in the Post-Roe Era
Program Title: NYC: Updates in Inflammatory Bowel Disease Treatment Date: 2/15/2024
Program Title: NYC: Application of Human Factors in Healthcare to Improve Patient Safety Date: 1/25/2024